No company can escape the necessity of thinking out its financial structure, the way it should financed itself, and what are the main financial risks associated to its management.
The aim of the course is to shed light on the inter-linkages between financial and financing policies, as well as treasury and risk management.
It is also essential to understand the issue linked with the business environment, its banking environment, its competition environment, and the financial markets that can be solicited to address these issues.
Definition of a “targeted” financial structure and its consequences on stakeholders.
Selection of the most suitable financial tool.
Liquidity, treasury and cashflow management.
Financial communications and banking relationships management.

Patrice Tourlière held various positions at Group Lafarge (now LafargeHolcim). From 1993 to 1998, he has been Financial Director of Lafarge Asia Pacific, with responsibility for all the region, including China. Back to France, from 1998 to 2016, he has been in charge of the group’s Finance, Treasury and Coverage department. He has also been administrator and Vice-President of the AFTE (French Association of Business Treasurers), and since 1999, President of the Notation Commission of the Association which he himself created. Since he retired recently, Patrice stepped down from his duties within the AFTE and joined its Formation Center.