This short course applies theoretical tools of comparative political economy to investigate the functioning of political institutions, political systems and the policymaking process, and their effect on public policies and on economic performance.
The purpose of this course is to explain the outer features of public policies; that is, the common characteristics that systematically permeate those policies.
The impact of the large market on the behaviour and restructuring of companies
An entry point, political institutions and the determinants of public policies
Transaction cost politics
Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Policy Outcome in Latin America

Professor Pereira is Professor in the School of Public and Business Administration at Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro. He has a PhD in Political Science at New School for Social Research/New York University. Recently he was Edward Laroque Tinker Visiting Professor of Comparative Politics, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, USA; Visiting Scholar and Professor of Political Institutions and Public Policy, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; Visiting Fellow in the Global Economy and Development and Foreign Policy programs at Brookings Institution; and Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University – USA. His main area of research is political institutions, political behavior and public policy in comparative perspective.