Every manager today needs to know the basics of labor law: as an employee, it is very useful to know about the trial period, the flat-rate days or geographical mobility clauses.
As a manager, he or she must avoid committing major legal blunders, and above all have the right reflexes when faced with legally risky situations (e.g.: request to open all of an employee's emails).
The program corresponds to these two concerns, by unfolding the life of an employee.

Hiring: fixed-term contracts, permanent contracts, trial period; mobility clause; delegation of powers...
Contract execution: salaries and wages, working hours, contract modification: how to react?
Breaks: favour consensus with the approved conventional break. But also resignation, personal or economic dismissal; effects on unemployment benefits.

Jean-Emmanuel Ray is a professor of private law at the EMS of Paris I - Sorbonne, where he directs the Master 2 in apprenticeship "HR Development and Social Law".
He also teaches at Sciences Po and Mines ParisTech.
He was Member of the "Combrexelle Commission" / March-September 2015: "Collective bargaining, work and employment", Report to the Prime Minister, September 10, 2015. Then of the "Frouin Commission" / January-October 2020, "Workers in mobility platforms: What status? What social dialogue? "Report submitted to the Prime Minister, November 9, 2020.
He is the author of "Droit du travail, droit vivant" (28th edition, 120,000 copies sold, WKRH, November 2020); And of "Moi, Manager: mes droits et mes devoirs en droit du travail" (I, Manager: my rights and duties in labor law) Editions Revue Fiduciaire, November 2020.
He is alternately in charge of the Chronicles of "Labor Law", in the monthly Liaisons Sociales Magazine, and "Question de droit social" in the newspaper "Le Monde".