This course allows to build and structure a marketing reasoning that takes into account the internet, communication medias and distribution channels. It prepares students to the implementation of digital marketing strategies and e-commerce practices. Topics covered includes the specificities of business models that emerged with the digital economy, consumer behaviors on the internet, the added value of personalization and mass customization, the data-privacy paradox, and social media management. The course is illustrated with cases studies and examples of digital successes: Amazon, vente-privée.com, Meetic, Uber, Airbnb, and many start-ups… A particular attention will be dedicated to critical thinking on these problematics (data and privacy, ethics and social medias…).
Definition of marketing strategy that integrates digital aspects to the marketing mix.
Customization, personalization and hyper-segmentation.
The integration of social medias in business communication strategies.
Internet opportunities and threats for companies.
Ahlem Abidi-Barthe is a digital marketing expert and consultant, PhD in management sciences (marketing) from the University of Toulouse Capitole and lecturer-researcher at the European Business School Paris. Her work, focused on managerial issues, focuses on digital, relationship personalisation, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and big data, offer customisation and experience marketing.