The key ingredient to negotiation is good communication. We will dedicate 3 hours to understand what may interfere with communication, through games and activities.
Then, I will provide advices and techniques to overcome these barriers. We will build the steps of a successful negotiation.
Then we will spend 3 hours practicing a case study, which will be sales negotiation, a partnership, or job content… In these training workshops, everyone will be acting, as a negotiator or observer. The observer will replace the camera lens and help the negotiator to discover whether he respected the method or not.
Advices and techniques to overcome barriers to the good execution of a negotiation.
Structure and steps of a successful negotiation.


Capucine Dupuy started her career in marketing and was a salesperson for a dozen of years in mass consumption, then video editing in cartoon and movie industries. These two sectors have in common a particularity in the fact that they make works of art come alive. Every release required a specific strategy by taking into account subjectivity, affectivity and emotions. So, negotiating with partners (suppliers, salesperson, specialized and non-specialized stores, media and non-media partners) had to be constantly renewed.