This course analyses the impact of community integration on business management in the light of the single market, its monetary and financial aspects, as well as its competition, competitivity, and trade policies. There are no prerequisites.
Through a theoretical and applied research approaches, the course will allow to understand the constant transformation of business management in the international and European context. It also aims at providing knowledge and reading keys to understand how companies operate within economies that are more and more opened and interdependent.
The impact of the large market on the behaviour and restructuring of companies
The impact of monetary and financial integration on business management.
Competition, industrial and trade policies’ advantages for companies.

Alain Buzelay is University Professor in France. Professor Emeritus at Lorraine University. He is a member of CEREFIGE (European Center for Research on Financial Economics and Business Management). He helds a Jean Monnet chair ad personam and teaches at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, athe the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics (FASSE) of the Catholic Institute of Paris and at the University European Center of Nancy. He gives lectures at Comenius University in Bratislava, at the International University in Rabat, and in University of Luxembourg. He is also international expert for university evaluation (Qualitas – CEENQA, Düsseldorf).