This course aims at presenting to students the main legal issues and the impact of competition rules on a company's activity: What behaviors are allowed in a competitive environment and what are the practices that expose the company to the risk of sanctions? Which authorities do companies deal with, and what are their powers of investigation and sanction?

Protecting the Free Play of Competition
Protection of competitors

Anne-Claire Rouaud is a member of the Law Faculty and Professor of Private Law at the University of Paris 1. She specialises in business law and her research focuses particularly on banking and financial law. Co-author of a book on Financial Law, she has been writing a column on this subject in the journal Banque & droit since 2013 and co-directs since 2014 the Banking Regulation column of the International Journal of Financial Services. She is also a member of the Scientific Committee and the Board of Directors of the European Association for Banking and Financial Law (AEDBF-France) and a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Financial Services Review.