The objective of this course is to give students an economic insight into the foundations, functioning, contributions and limits of the collaborative economy and the sharing economy in France and around the world, so that they can better understand how the latter interacts with innovation processes in the entrepreneurial world.

Economy for a sustainable world?
The economic valuation of ecosystems
Optimal regulations for an economy of pollution

Florent Pratlong is a Lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Director of the Master in Innovation Management. He is also a researcher at the PRISM-Sorbonne laboratory. His work focuses on economic dynamics, innovation policies, entrepreneurial creativity, environmental economics and sustainable development. Florent Pratlong has participated in the construction of scenarios of economic prospectives with the SEURE¬CO-ERASME team, for the European Commission and the Conseil d'Analyse Stratégique. He is currently Secretary to the EFET Commission "Education Formation Emploi Territoire" at the Académie des Technologies.